
Yo no creo en los hombres capitulo 115
Yo no creo en los hombres capitulo 115

yo no creo en los hombres capitulo 115

Furthermore, he points out the importance of the changes in the way the Church has been present on the American continent, and parallel changes in society and culture, particularly in Latin America. Frisotti’s introduction sets the book in the context of ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue which has grown and become a normal part of Church life since the 1960s. This translation has a very informative brief introduction by the editor of the Italian missionary magazine Nigrizia, an explanatory note by Father Fiorenzo Forani o.p., and a glossary of Candomblé technical terms. Frisotti, in turn, became convinced that it is simplistic to think of Candomblé as syncretistic. His conviction that there was no difficulty in accepting both Christianity and Candomblé simultaneously is what led Ettore Frisotti to make his own investigations into the subject.

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The original was called Passos no Dialogo, published in São Paulo in 1996, and was dedicated to the author’s parents as well as a certain "François", Father François de lÂ∮spinay, who had been a co-founder with Ivan Illich of the Cuernavaca Intercultural Centre in Mexico and later went to Brazil, where he lived an unusual life in dialogue with Candomblé, even becoming a member of the Xangô Council.


Issue 17 of the series Sette e Religioni, published at the beginning of 1999 in Bologna by the Dominicans, is an Italian translation of a book written in Portuguese by an Italian missionary priest, Ettore Frisotti, who died in summer 1998. Szék 147, RO-4100 MIERCUREA CIUC, Romania. András Elekes, "Jakab Antal" Centre, Str. It is indeed a place of "listening, respect and tolerance" ( Ecclesia in Africa, 103). Its contribution is to bring together people of different religions and nationalities, which is something very important in a country like Romania". In the words of its rector and director, who are both diocesan priests, "the centre corresponds to and responds to the expectations of Church and society. Some of the more significant meetings were the conference on A fresh understanding of the links between Church, democracy and culture in Romania, which was held in March 1997, who the Pontifical Council for Culture was represented, and the international meeting held there in October 1999 by Caritas, which was attended by the Apostolic Nuncio in Romania, Archbishop Jean-Claude Périsset. Each year more than 5000 people have been involved in the centre’s activities. 1999 looks even busier, with a much richer and more diversified programme. In 1998 there were 96 meetings, of which 31 were religious. In 1997 the centre was host to 115 events, of which 45 had a religious theme. The centre has room for 120 people to stay overnight, and can accommodate several groups at the same time, since the conference hall can hold 200 people, and there are 5 seminar rooms and another 5 meeting rooms. It is available for all types of conferences, conventions, seminars and meetings, which are by no means always religious, and no distinctions are made on the basis of the religion or nationality of those organising such events, as long as they respect the nature of the centre. The centre’s activities bear witness to a constant concern for the links between faith and culture, which are developed in a creative dialogue which aims to bring personal faith to maturity. The centre was opened on the 17 th of September 1996, and it bears the name of the diocese’s former bishop, Antal Jakab, who died some years ago.

yo no creo en los hombres capitulo 115

Work began in 1991, with an investment of about 2.7 million deutsche marks and with support from more than 20 organisations, not to mention groups and private individuals.

yo no creo en los hombres capitulo 115

In the archdiocese of Alba Julia it was decided straight away to create a house of studies, a centre for Catholic culture. Cultures et foi - Cultures and Faith - Culturas y fe - 4/1999 -Īfter the political changes in Romania in 1989, the Catholic Church could, at last, emerge from obscurity.

Yo no creo en los hombres capitulo 115